

Welcome to pbWiki for ENG2300 Film Analysis!


You can edit any page from any internet location just by clicking "Edit" above. We will be using this wiki as a collaborative media tool for our class and group assignments. Try editing NewEditWiki.


Everyone in our class has access to this site, but it is not a public site. You need the password (film) to login. The wiki is available from any computer that has access to the internet.


Since this service is pretty new, it's probably going to be changing a *lot*. I, Cathlena Martin, do not control the server. Please keep your eyes peeled and email if you see anything broken or that you don't like. Thanks! :)


Class Pages



Sign up Pages - first come, first serve



Class Readings from Film Theory and Criticism 6th Edition

These files will open as PDF. You need to print them out, read them, and bring them to class the day we discuss them. Also, it will enhance your reading and comprehension of these articles if you take notes on the article in your class journal.




1. The body of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class, or culture.

2. A set of doctrines or beliefs that form the basis of a political, economic, or other system.




Introduction to Wikis


Spring 2006 Wiki